
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Willing to be Nothing

You know, when I decided to follow Christ, I surrendered all. But the longer that I walk with Him, the deeper that the surrender seems to need to go.

Some people are called to do great things for Christ, to be the ones that move nations, reach cities, start movements. Then there are others... the others at the end of Hebrews chapter eleven. The unnamed ones, the ones that never had the chance to see the impact they made, never seemed to move anyone, and even in some cases died misunderstood. Am i willing to be a Jeremiah that followed, loved, wept, but still had to watch the judgement come? We talk about Jim Elliot, and he was a great a man, but he had no idea what his death would do. I wonder when those Auca Indians came with spears and arrows how he felt. I am sure that grace was there, but I am sure it was easy to have felt a failure. I am sure in his mind he thought, "God, but I have just started, who will reach them now?" Little did he know what his death would do.

God asked me something today. Am I willing to follow Him, do everything that He says, and in my life not be understood, and maybe even in some peoples' eyes be a failure?

Why do we serve, for Him or them?

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