
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Should we ever pull back?

As a young missionary, I think that the one thing that we (young missionaries) always struggle with is the feeling that we must always be advancing. Whether this feeling stems from our enthusiasum or the press that we feel from our supporting churches, I am not sure. But, it is real. I remember how I first felt when we arrived in Ghana. I wanted to hit the ground running, and I am sure that it is that way for most people.

The problem is that we confuse activity and advance with productivity and success. God has been trying to teach me this truth the last two weeks. I tend to think that just because I am active, it means that I am moving forward. But, you know, activity does not mean that the direction I'm going is forward. I had to admit a really hard thing today. I think that God wants me to reverse a little bit and redirect. I know. I know. As a Baptist, that is a dirty word! Going back means defeat; it means weakness; it means giving up! But does it always? Many times in Christ's earthly ministry things were busy, the crowds were great, the work was expanding, and then.....Christ would leave it all, go to another city, or a desert place to teach His disciples.

If you have ever read War and Peace, you know that sometimes pulling back is the key to victory. It was the year 1812. Napolean had 800,000 men marching through Russia, and all there was to face them was the small Russian army. General Barclay did the unthinkable. He kept moving back. He even gave up Moscow! But the funny thing is, he won the war!

I am not saying that I should quit, but today God showed me something. I have been fighting to advance, fighting to do more visiting, but that is not what He wants right now. He wants me to spend some time sharpening my ax. When we came to Ghana I was thrown into the ministry. I have strived to learn the language, but it is not easy to do without full-time school. Now is my chance. If I can use the time I have now, to learn the language and be totally free from needing translators... than this time of stepping back will really be a victory.

It can be a fearful thing to pull back and wait, but God is showing me that real faith and courage are in doing the right thing, not the easy thing!

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