
Friday, October 17, 2008

Hind Sight is 20/20

It is always amazing to me how God can take the things that we think are annoying, frustrating, or bad, and make them work together for good. I have seen this happen before, but it still amazes me.

Well, we had another very personal and wonderful lesson about this again this week. We got back from Bible study last night around 9:30pm. Every one was tired like usual, and when the taxi pulled into our street, I heard the one thing that I hate to hear at night here, the generator was on at the hotel next store. Our lights where off!

Now for us this was one of the first things that God used on us when we came here, and we have really gotten used to it. But, we have been spoiled lately. I think that our power has been on for three weeks straight. Anyway, we started the regular power out at night routine, move the girls mattress and bed into our room where it is cooler, turn on the rechargeable lamps, and pray that the lights come on, or that it rains so that it is cool, and you can sleep. Well, I was laying there trying to be comfortable, frustrated, the girls where not sleeping, and I asked God: 'why do the lights have to be off tonight?' I never knew how important it could be for the lights to go off.

Well, Ella and I finally fell asleep, but Carey and Patty stayed awake, or should I say Carey kept Patty awake. Carey said that she was afraid and wanted mom to lay next to her, and after some time of talking Patty told her that if she was afraid that she could pray to God and ask her not to be afraid. Well, Carey thought about that for a while. Then Patty said that she bowed her head and prayed, "Jesus, please forgive me for all my sins, and wash me with your blood, I believe Jesus died for me, thank you!" Well, needless to say, Patty was stunned. She asked Carey why she had prayed that and Carey said that she was afraid of going to hell, and needed forgiveness. After talking for a while Patty felt that she had a firm understanding of everything. Patty said that the best part was after Carey seemed to be at peace. After blowing out the candles she just laid in her bed singing 'Jesus Loves Me'.

I was oblivious to the whole thing. The next morning I was in my office praying when Carey came out and said, 'Dad I prayed to Jesus last night, and He washed my sins away, so I am going to heaven.' We got to talk, and I could she that she was really happy. I have prayed since my daughter was born that she would trust Christ, and I never thought that the power going out would be so important.

You know if we are not careful we start to wish that we can remove the hard things in life, but the truth is that I am starting to learn that they really are a gift. Like last night, some times they give God the chance to do amazing things, that you praise Him for after, and sometimes I think that they are given to us to grow through. I do know one thing: they make life all the better. It is like the Moracon food we have come to love here, the spicy always makes the sweet more wonderful.

I just want to say: Thank you God for letting the lights go out for 12 hours on October 17th 2008, the day my daughter got SAVED!

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