
Wednesday, October 29, 2008


When you come from a family that is mostly Christian, and being a Christian is encouraged, it is hard to understand the struggle that people go through around the world to follow Christ. I got to see this struggle first hand this week.

Last week Inusah trusted Christ as his Savior. Friday when I was at his house having a Bible study, his mom came to call him to go to the mosque. He was very bold and told her that he was a Christian now, and will not be able to go. Well, that was Friday.

Sunday came and went, and I did not see Inusah at church. Tuesday when I went for our normal Bible study I asked him why? This is the story that he told me: Saturday the family elder called a family meeting. Inusah did not know what it was all about so he attended. He has a older brother that has been attending a Pentecostal church now for about 6 months, though he is not a true believer. At the meeting the family came to discuss this brother. The family elder said that Inusah's brother was no longer a Muslim, that he was now dead to the family. He went so far as to say, that if the man's mother died, or was dieing, he would not be permitted to she her. He was now dead to them all.

The family meeting really sacred Inusah. Tuesday, when we talked we talked about fear. The amazing thing about fear is that it is Satan number one weapon. In Revelation 21:8, the first sin that is named is fear! I am learning a lot more people go to hell because they are afraid to accept Christ, than any other reason. If you want proof of this, just read up on any nations where there are a large group of Muslims. Anyway, Inusah and I where able to talk, and he seemed encouraged! Near the end, he looked at me and said, "Pastor, tell me what to do!" I told him, that I could not make this decision for him, I showed him what the Bible said, and told him that now that he was a believer the Holy Spirit lived inside of him. He just needed to ask God what He wanted.

Please pray for Inusah. Pray for courage. Pray that God gives him grace to be a disciple of Christ. He is young in the Lord, but he will have to make his decision soon. Pray that when he does come out for Christ, that he will sense and know God's mercy and hope when the family seeks to punish him.

Also pray for the Muslims of Ghana to come to Christ. There are ruffly about 600,000 of them!

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