
Monday, February 15, 2010

Spiritual Battles

Friday afternoon Andrew and I where out on visitation when the time came to visit with a family that attends the Bible Studies. The husband and wife have both been saved and have been growing in the Lord.

Once we arrived at the house, the husband greeted us and spoke with us a little before trying to head off to work. The family stays in a single room. It is a concrete slab floor, with walls made out of strap wood. The husband has worked hard to make this place a home. They use a car battery for electricity. He has placed lights and a radio and television inside. They have a small couch and even a bed. But, back to the story, as we talked with the husband he told us that his wife was sick.

After a few more minutes of talking, as the husband was heading off to work, his wife came outside. Clearly she had been crying. The husband came back over and they both sat with Andrew and I on a bench outside. The wife proceeded to tell us about the problems that they where having.

Basically the family has been under great spiritual warfare of late, and has also been burdened with family members that have asked for a lot of help, but have provided very little help themselves. After some time of encouragement and teaching an appointment was made for the husband and wife, so that they could council with my wife and I another time.

The interesting thing that I want to point out though is a statement that the wife made when we all where talking together. She told us that she had been suffering from night mares. Lately when she would go to sleep she would start to dream. In her dreams she would see people trying to split up her family by causing division. When she would start to pray in the dream the people would change forms and become mermaids. This might sounds really strange to a non-Africa reader. But here in our traditional beliefs one of the evil gods of the people groups are mermaids. In Akan belief, the head of these demons is called Mama Water. Many people belief that these wicked forces can be used by family members that want to hurt people or family members that they do not like. These dreams have caused times of great fear for these young Christians. Some people would like to just laugh at the whole notion, but weather a person believe it our not, to the young convert this conflict is real. ( Not matter what the reader thinks, we do know that Satan does hate people and does not want Christian families to stay together).

After some time of comfort, Andrew and I gave them some verses to encourage them. Also we explained to them that God does not give a spirit of fear and that they should pray together before they sleep at night and ask God to allow them to have good dreams. After a few more hours of consoling the following day, the family problems seem to be getting better and the dreams have not returned.

On thing that I have learned since arriving on the fields is that spiritual warfare is real. Satan will use our own fears and weakness if he can. But no matter the path he takes, he wants to hinder God’s work. Helping to disciple young Christians has given me a constant reminder of how diligent a person most be in pray.

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