
Monday, February 8, 2010


This weekend our family was allowed to see two great blessings.

The first was in regards to a family that we have been trying to reach for months. The husband of the family, Robert, attends services on a regular basis. He has been saved and baptized. My wife has been holding a weekly Bible study with his wife for some months now. It seemed as if her Catholic background was going to completely hinder her from understanding the gospel. Finally last week all the teaching broke through. She had seen the changes in her husbands life, but was convinced that she had something to do with this, and was using this belief as evidence that she was not needy of salvation. Well, after many weeks of prayer and teaching the truth of the Bible made it through this stronghold of being unteachable. After about a two hour Bible study, Alica trusted Christ as her personal Savior. It was very exciting for Patty to see. This marks the second full family that has come to personally know Christ.

The second thing regards our friend, Gifty, that has traveled to the United States on scholarship. She is attending a University in Virginia for two years and then will be returning to Kumasi to teach. Before leaving she asked us to find a good Baptist church for her to attend while in the United States. She told our family that she really wanted to be involved in church and have people that will help her to grow spiritually. Also she wanted a place where she felt that she could minister. Well, after searching my wife and I found two churches that seemed to match our teaching and focus. After arriving in Virginia, Gifty tried the one, but it was very far away. Which would make it hard, since she does not have any car. So she decided to call the other church. They told her that they had no way to get her to church, but gave her another church to contact. They said that that church had an active University ministry, and also shuttled students to church each service. After calling the church, they told her that they would pick her up on Sunday. Low and behold, on Sunday, when the college ministry pastor picked her up, he knew of our ministry here. Also she found out our family knows him. The college ministry pastor was a great assistant pastor at a church that has supported us for years. God is so amazing!

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