
Monday, February 8, 2010

Asamoah's Accident

Last night one of the young men of our Bible study came to the evening services. He told me after the service that one of his friends had been in a serious car accident. The young man that was in the accident was very seriously injured. Asamoah had been invited to church that morning, but was not interested in coming. He had been drinking the night before and had a very strong hang-over. Just two weeks before he told me that if he died that he would go to hell because he knew that he was wicked. Nat (the young man at the Bible study) was very nervous about his friend, especially since he knew that the man admitted to being unsaved. (Asamoah accident was caused by alcohol. He and his friend had been drinking heavily, when his drunken friend, that did not have a license asked him to accompany him to a bar in his car, he agreed. After the three friend boarded the vehicle, they started off to a bar a few miles away. While traveling down Lake Road, the cars front tire burst and the drunk driver lost control. The driver and one friend had minor injures, but Asamoah had internal bleed and damage to his ear and face. They took him to the emergency room at the main hospital, and where not sure he would live more then a few days).

(Continued- about five days later)
Monday morning at about 5:00 in the morning a small group of men, including Pastor Andrew, myself, Nat and a few of the boy’s friends headed off the to hospital to visit the man in the Emergency room. I was hoping the opportunity would come so I could witness to him. Fortunately for the young man a new state of the art emergency wing has been built in our main hospital and the hospital was able to give him the care that was needed so that he lived through the night. After the security guards allowed us to pass we were allowed in to visit Asamoah in the emergency ward.

There he was, a twenty something year old man, that just hours before was healthy and strong, lying in his own blood wearing nothing but a diaper. He mother was present and his father, they where feeding him and cleaning him off. (The hospitals here do not provide food, and the family is needed if the patient wants to be cared for in a personal way (i.e. changed clothes, baths, and so on). The hospitals do not have the staff to perform these task for each patient). On Monday I was able to pray with the parents and give them some comfort.

After leaving the hospital and scheduling to visit them the rest of the week, our group left. The young men that accompanied us where very shaken up by the presents of their friend, but it was a great opportunity to teach about the lies of Satan. Satan tells us that sin is enjoyable, and that though a person should repent, that he has time to do it later. He tells us to enjoy the sin today, and repent (change) before the punishment comes. But, that is not how it works. A person never knows when his day will come, and life will be over.

After a week, Asamoah is in stable condition. On Friday he was conscience enough that I was able to pray with him. I asked him if he would like to study the Bible with me the following week. He told me that he was very interested and wanted to make some changes.

Please continue to pray for Asamoah and his health. This accident has opened the door to witness to his friends and parents. Pray that they will have open minds and hearts.

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