
Saturday, February 27, 2010

I Spy...

My two girls have some small I spy books that they love. When they are in the car with my wife on Mondays, they love to look at them. I hear her calling out things and then I will hear one of the girls say, "I see it". Most of the time the pages are crammed full of everything imaginable. Each page has a theme, but the things in the pictures are colorful mix of the ordinary and the bazaar!

My life the last two weeks seems to have resembled one of these 'I Spy' books. To say the least it has been full. Life lately has been filled with a ton of the ordinary stuff, and a lot the abnormal also. All this activity has made it very difficult to write any updates. But after two weeks, I thought that I should attempt to talk about so of the things that have happened the last few weeks.

In the last two weeks, I spy... Family Time

-Carey has been study countries of the world. For this reason in the last few weeks our family has eaten food from and dressed up as people from the countries China, Mexico with Holland, Japan and other countries coming on the way.

Ella and Carey really enjoyed opening their mini pinatas!

Also Valentine's Day has come and gone. Though the hearts, pink, red, and white decoration are off the walls. The girls still have fun stories to remember.

I spy... Trips to the Capital with Ella
Ella joined my on a trip to the capital to pick up our paper work that the government had finished. While there we visited Ghana one and only Mall. It was great and Ell loved playing on the playground that they have outside near the food court.
I spy... A major accidents
While on our trip to the capital Andrew and I spied this accident. It was roughly around 7:00am in the morning. The accident had accorded about twenty minutes before our arrival. Two large trucks, one a tanker and the other loaded with dry goods, collided and exploded into flames. Our vehicle was in a long line of traffic that was waiting for the Fire Service to arrive and put out the flames. This picture was taken after about 2 hours of waiting while cars where allowed to pass the wreck.

I spy... A change in decade
Yes, it is try. Just last Sunday I passed into a new decade. Though I am far from old, I am no longer young (in the immature sense, at least I hope not!) Patty and the girls did great. The Andrew family was invited over. The meal was great. There where steaks, potatoes, baked beans, stir-fired vegetables, Coke, pumpkin pie! After about 30 minutes of gorging ourselves, the kids went off to play and the adults all played guitars together.

I spy... Two young boy grieving

Last Thursday one of the boys that attends are services on a regular bases on Thursday nights seemed quiet. After church my wife asked him what was trouble him, and he told her that his mother had just died a few days before. His father had divorced his mother many years and ago and was staying at his uncle house. Now that she was dead, he has no parents to help to raise him. The follow day, Andrew and I went to the family house to greet the family and pray with them. The boys seem to be doing well, but they are grieving quietly.

Also on Saturday I attended a funeral for another boy that attends services off and on. His father had died some months before. Here are some pictures from the funeral.

I spy... Asamoah recovering

This last week we visited Asomoah, and he is seeming to be recovering well. I show a x-ray and scan of his skull this week. It looks as if h has a skull fracture, but the doctor says that the operation will need to be delayed for some months to insure that all the swelling has gone down. Currently he is very open to the gospel and is able to listen well.

I spy... People coming back to church and growing

It has been very exciting to see men and women coming to the Bible Studies. Some have returned after missing for some time, some are new, some are very faithful. It has been such a blessing to see people grow and change.
Here is Andrew with a few of our young men that attend on Sunday mornings.

I spy... The City Road Construction People braking our water lines

At the end of every dry season here in Ghana, there is an unofficial holiday. It is called the Braking of the Pipes! Yes, it is the wonderful time of the year when the City Council send out road machine to fix the roads that have corroded in the last rainy season. Generally this workers, with good intentions, come to our community and start to grate the roads. The only problem is that the Water Company and Road Workers have different ideas about how deep pipes should be. Here in Ghana pipes never freeze, so they are not placed very far into the ground. Normal the lines are run about one to two feet deep. This workers great for normal stuff, but when the road here corrode by rain, it leave only about two inches between the road's surface and the pipes. So every year the same thing happens. The tractors come and put down there blades. In about 30 minutes there are about 10 to 15 broken lines, and water cover the whole road. It is all great fun! The road guys finish the job, the local plumbers come and get money for work fixing all the pipes, and the whole community comes out for the sceptical and free water. After about two hours all the buckets are full of the water that would be wasted, the pipes are fixed and recovered, and every goes home. They all 'eagerly' waiting for next years festival.

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