
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Prayer of Faith

James 5:15 "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him".

The week has been very busy. Benedicta has been at the hospital now for almost two weeks. After about two weeks of sickness at home he was taken to the hospital with a lot of pain and vomiting. After spending two days in the hospital, I asked the doctor if it might be meningitis. She decided to check for the sickness, and about a week ago discovered that this was his problem. Though this would seem to be the end of the problem, here it is not that simple.

Many people are watching this case to see what will happen. Watching to see if our God is able to heal Benedict. The gospel has been preached to many people that live around Benedict's family and even to some of their enemies. They are all watching to see if the God this family worships and serves will raise him up. If not these people can continue to serve their gods, since they have more power.

The Lord has been working, and Benedicta is getting better. I hope to write another time of the ways in which God has worked. I do have this testimony to give. Today when we went to the hospital, the doctor on duty told me this. She said, "God must hear your prayers, because I do not have an answer for this". At the beginning of the week he was taken to the ICU for children and looked to be getting worse, now just three days later he is sitting up, playing, and laughing, and back in the normal chidlren's ward. God is good.

This whole thing has re-enforced something God has been challenging me with lately. Do I really have faith in God to do what the Bible says. People here need to see a person that has faith in a great God, and faith that works. Faith that believes that God answers prayers. I pray, but how important is it to me to see answers? God is willing to work, am I willing to trust?

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