
Monday, October 11, 2010

Cultural Tidbits and Taboos

On Saturday our family had another one of those funny and not so funny cultural moments. Patty and I have been witnessing to a lady for some months now. She is educated and speaks English and Twi quiet well, and has been exposed to many foreigners through a job program that she has been a part of in years past, but she is still very traditional in here thinking.

On Saturday we were reviewing the materials that we have covered with her in the past, since she has been in her home village for the last few weeks. The Bible study was progressing well, and Esther (the lady that we witnessing to) had given the girls some paper and pens so that they could draw pictures and color while we had the Bible study.

Esther was listening really well, she seemed to be remember a lot of the material and was understanding new things that she had not grasped before. During this time the girls were have a great time drawing. I had just finished talking to her about the fact that all the gods and things worshipped here, bring a curse though they have powers, because of Exodus 20 and Genesis 3 when Carey walked over to show us the picture she had drawn.

First I want to say that Carey loves princess and fairy tales. She had draw a scene with an ocean and fish and a nice clear picture of a mermaid in the middle of the picture. Just as I saw the picture, my brain clicked, and I saw Esther's eyes get Huge!!!! I sent Carey away nicely and told her to draw another picture.

Then the explanations began. See in Europe and America mermaids are fairytale fodder and at most a superstition of years past. They were believed by sailor to be beautiful things that would help sailor that were throw over board and so on. And modern American has really fallen in love with them since Disney's Little Mermaid movie. And Carey being a total girl, loves all things that have to do with fairy tales and princess and draws pictures of all these things all the time.

But in Ghana, this is not the thinking. In Ghana mermaids are demons! They live in the rivers and lakes and work to curse people and work evil. The queen of the mermaids is Mame Water, and she is a witch and is greatly feared by people. When ever they make local movies here about mermaids and such they always agents of evil and most people think they are tantamount to the evil eye or bad omens.

So needless to say it would be like your pastor coming over and having a Bible study with you, and then the Pastor's kid comes over with a drawing full of pentagrams, and goat heads. Lets just say I was glad that Esther had been around other foreigners. After a few minutes I was able to explain the thing, and was kicking my self that I had not thought of it earlier.

Well, after visiting we got to explain to Carey and Ella why they could not draw pictures of mermaid when they are not at home anymore, or when Ghanaians are around. Carey looked at me and said, "Daddy but that is silly? Why be afraid of that, God protects us!"

It is very interesting raising children of the mission field. They learn somethings so early. The learn many cultures, and beliefs, and have to be sensitive to each one in the right way. But, the truth is that it can be a great help in the future. Missionary kids are one of the few kinds of people that get to learn many different tidbits and taboos from many cultures.

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