
Monday, May 17, 2010

Missions Trip Glimpses

The middle of last week marked the end of a two week missions trip. The weeks where filled with activities and fun. It would be almost impossible to report about all the things that took place, so here are a few pictures that where taken during the trip.
Small boy near the lumber mills. I pass by his mother's work place almost every week.
Rhonda greeting one of the girls near the saw mills.
The girls at the zoo.

Most people think that when they visit us, they will have the chance to see alot of animals. But, since our family lives in a city of about two million people. It is needless to say that most of the animals that we see are at the zoo. While on the trip, our family took the ladies to our city zoo. It is not much, but our family really likes it. And what it does not have in animals and funding it makes up for in close contact with the animals. (Here is Rhonda feeding a monkey).

This is old grandpa... he loves hand outs!

The best part about our trip to the zoo was the lions. This female was eating this nice hind quarter when we all arrived at her cage. She was only about four feet away. It was so amazing to watch her feed.
Rhonda and I decided to lean in really close to the bars to get good pictures. At first the lioness did not mind, but after a few minutes of trashing her tale, she decided that she had enough of our watching. That is when she rush the cage and scared all the other ladies half to death! Rhonda and I thought it was quite entertaining, but Lyn would not go back near the lion cages again.
The lioness giving use the evil eye before her charge!
The trip was also filled with lots of cultural learning and experiences. It was nice to visit Bonwire again. This is the home of a famous hand made fabric called Kente.

After visiting Bonwire, it was off to the wood carving village.

The last two days where filled with shopping, shopping, shopping!

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