
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Christ or Family... You Choose?

Matthew 10:36-38 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Most of people in the United States have little to no understanding of this verse today. The States is a place of tolerance, where even Muslims give way to the Western mindset of tolerance. But for many Christians around the world this is not true. Some lose home, jobs, and even family, and have the great privilege to suffer early for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday was Resurrection Sunday, but to my surprise Inusah did not show up for either morning or evening Bible studies. When I went to check him on Tuesday, I found out why.

Very early on Sunday morning, before the morning prayer calls for the Muslims here, Inusah's family called him for a meeting. The Imam was there, and I think a few others from the mosque. After the family and men prayed the tasbad, (this is the daily prayers of the Muslims five times a day, facing Mecca) they called a meeting.

They told Inusah that they had heard that he had become a Christian, and that he was no longer a follower of Mohammad. (If the reader has every worked with Muslims or known others that have, this is the hardest question that a convert from Islam ever faces). I am very glad to say that Inusah did not yield to fear. It sounded from the conversation with Inusah that God gave him a lot of grace and boldness.

They asked why had converted. To which he replied, that he had be a Muslim his whole life, and it had never changed him, it would never change him or help him, and he had found that change and it happened by coming to Christ. He told them that the Qu'ran says that if a person has questions they are to go to the People of the Book (this is Christians for those that do not know Qu'ran lengo). He told them that there was only one way to Paradise. The two thieves on the cross both had a choice to make, one did not trust in Jesus, and went to Hell. The other trusted in Jesus, and was told that when he died he would be in Paradise with Jesus. Inusah told them that he had chosen Christ.

The Imam told Inusah that the Bible was full of lies, that the white men changed it, and it was not to be trusted. Inusah told him, if it was not trustworthy, why did Mohammad praise it in the Qu'ran. He told them that the ten commandments give no hope, a man can never be good enough to gain heaven, and that Jesus was the only way. The Imam said that Paul lied and just spoke of his own dreams and ideas. Inusah said that the Bible says that no one can take away or add to the Bible without Gods punishment upon them.

They told him that Jesus never died, but Allah put the face of Jesus on Judas, and they killed Judas. Inusah told them that that was not true, and that even in part of the Qu'ran, it says that Jesus died. He told them that he was a follower of Jesus and would not be turned.

So after a long time, and not being able to attend church in the morning, the family left Inusah for a while.

That night, when they knew that he would go to night-time Bible studies, they called another meeting. The Imam, told Inusah that he was confused. He had been so faithful, (In the past Inusah would call people to prayers over the loud-speakers, and round-up people to pray), he told him that he even still wanted him to go out and talk to people about Islam with him. ( I think this was just bait, to try and win him back by compliments and money). But, we praise the Lord that Inusah was obedient to the faith. Inusah quoted from the Qu'ran and Bible, trying to witness to them. The Imam said that he had never heard those verses before. Inusah said that if he would get him a English Qu'ran he would read them to him.

Overall the meetings went well. I think that Inusah gave a strong testimony for Christ, and in the end the family did not cut him off. This is very amazing to me. I am not totally sure why they have not. One thing I know is that they know Inusah is stubborn and influentially. I think that they fear if they totally cut him off, that he will be somehow made a hero or martyr. Inusah was very influential with a the young men at his mosque and I think that they fear that he might somehow get more of them this way, they all seem to have a little rebellion in them.

Please continue to pray for Inusah. He seems to be growing. Pray that his future is as bright as it appears at this time. Coming from Islam he has a amazing ability to memorize, pray that these abilities will be yielded to Christ and used for His Glory.

Also pray for our future witnessing. Inusah and I will starting visiting soon on a weekly bases. He is interested in starting to learn how to evangelize. Pray for us as we also seek other opportunities here in Kumasi in the future to work in some of the larger Muslim areas in the city.

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