
Monday, March 30, 2009

A Spiritual Flat Tire

Ephesians 5:18 "...but be filled with the Spirit"
I have been learning the importance lately of the need to be Spirit filled. In the past I would have said that I wanted to be Spirit filled. I knew that I needed Him when I was going to do some task like preaching or witnessing. I knew that I needed Him for victory over besetting sins. But the thing that I could not figure out was why at times when I needed the filling most, the times when the pressure was on, I seemed to be flat.
I have been learning that my life is like a tire. It is one whole piece. I cannot divide my life into parts, and say that one part has nothing to do with another. If you have a hole anywhere in a tire, the air will leak out and the part with the pressure on it will always go flat.
God has been showing me the importance of my walk with Him. If I want to be filled when the pressure is on, then I have to be filled and free of holes when the pressure is off. That means I don't get time off.
At times I want to think, "What does it matter what I do with my free time? If I want to watch a movie or read a book, so what! It is my time! Hey, I have extra money in the bank I can spend it on whatever I want, so long as it is not sinful."
I could think that way because at that time I was not feeling any pressure (did not think it was so important be filled with the Spirit). I just would make a decision based on my desires or thinking and not seek the Lord. But, the Lord has shown me there is a problem with that. If I am not living filled all the time, because I allow the Spirit to depart through a slow leak of my own thinking and wants, when the real pressure comes, I will be flat. And all drivers know how hard it is to drive on a flat tire.
So I am learning what Hudson Taylor said is true: "The faith that is ready for emergencies is the the faith that is strengthened by a daily dependence on God."
The only way not to be spiritually flat is to follow this verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

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