
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Moped Crash!

First a word of explanation. I really did not blog all these on the same day. But my old blog was having serious problems, so I had to save the text and restart.

Lessons... I guess this whole thing is just about learning them. You know some times I feel so slow to learn, and at other times I feel like I have learned so much. The truth is I feel really lucky. I feel like God has just dumped a million things into us in the last five years. Some where really hard, some not so, but all important, and all eye opening. I think that the hardest lessons learned seem to be the ones about ourselves, but you know the truth is that they can be the most rewarding.

So on to my new lesson. I wish I could learn this one faster, but one thing I have learned about God is that He never goes to the next lesson until you finish the current one. Last week, I bought a new moped. I went to the capital to buy it. It is a Yamaha two seater. I went to Accra on Tuesday and got back late at night. To tell the truth I was like a kid with a new Christmas present, you know, opening it before I even had all the wrapping paper off it. The next morning I was up bright and early. And you guessed it, all I could think about was... riding the moped. Don't forget that I have never driver a moped before. So I get ready and decide to take the bike out first thing, the whole time the Holy Spirit's saying, "how about you wait, read your Bible, pray, and get your list of activities ready, than take a test drive". Well, being the obedient Christian that I am, I of course jumped on the bike and went for a test drive. So off I go, I took a few turns in the compound, and took the bike over to the University Campus to drive it on the back roads. So after about 30 minutes of good riding, my head was suffiently big enough to think that I could try it out on main campus. So off I went. I drove the bike through the campus and was drive at a good clip, when I came to my frst round about (British interection). I went to make a right turn, and found out that a three foot hole was in the middle of the road. So I did the normal thing, I over reacted, swirved, and quickly found out that my brake line had a hole in it, and I had no brake fluid, so I could not stop. Now if I lived in Michigan that has nice shoulders off the road there would have been no problem, but here we have these nice three foot deep rain gutters. So I hit the gutter, go flying in the air, and land on the grass. I did not get hurt, but the funniest part of all is that the classes had just let out, and there was a hundred or so students walking by!!!! I an just imagine the stories in the dorms about the flying white guy and his smashed bike!

Well, I had a good amount of time to think while I was waiting for the mechanic to come. Yah, I bent up my shockes and front end. It was a good time for a lesson sitting there looking at my new moped.

Here is the lesson: Never do something in enthusiam that should be put off because of duty!

(You know we always want to do the new thing before the old, but most times the old gets us ready for the new, always do your duty!)

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