
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Beginning of it all...

How does a thing really begin? Is it the moment that the light-blub lights up and you understand, or is it a million things before that that add together and bring you to that point?

Well, I remember this light blub and a few of the things that caused it. I had been in Ghana for about nine months. I wanted to help people see their need of Christ, and I had been trying to accomplish this. Our group went out soul-winning in our community, and we split up in our groups. My wife joined me and Alex (one of the boys from our first church), and we went out door-to-door. After a while, we came to a door, and met a women named Doris. We asked if we could take some time and talk about the gospel. She ushered us right in and seemed to eat up my words. I took the next hour and a half in English and Twi and laid the simple foundation of the gospel, answering questions, and praying. At the end we asked her if she would like to pray and receive Christ as her Saviour. She said that she would. We prayed with her and gave her a few verses of encouragement. I left thinking, "Finally, I have spoken to someone and they really understood!"

The next week, we followed her up, but to my surprise when we asked her what she had done the previous week, she said, " I prayed with you." We asked her what can save her and take her to Heaven, to which she told us, "Going to church, being baptized, and asking for forgiveness!" Let's just say that I was a little crest-fallen. We explained salvation again, and she even offered to pray again, but there was no real understanding.

It was one of those times you either quit, make excuses, or make a resolution. Well, I told God I had to know what I was missing. I did not want to live a lie.

So I made a resolution... so began the journey.

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