
Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Attack of a Crazy Woman

This last week added another new experience to my wife's list of Africa moments. It all started with our youngest daughter hurting her foot about four weeks ago. She had a puncture wound from a small piece of glass that became infected and need treatment. Each morning about 8:00 Patty needed to pack her up and head off to the hospital for new bandages and medicine.

Well on the particular day of our adventure, Patty set out and had Ella on her hip, since she was not able to walk. As they approached the junction, Patty remember that a crazy woman had been living near the junction for the last few days. For this reason she tried to cross over to the other side of the street. But, just as she tried to do this, a larger truck drove onto the road and parked beside her. There was no were to move. She either had to turn her back on the crazy lady or keep walking forward.

As Patty approached, the crazy woman, (totally unclothed except for a bolt of cloth around her waist) she began to approach Patty. (I might write a post someday about the decent into madness. A person here sees a lot of crazy people, and most of the time they can tell how crazy the person is just by their cloths and actions. Anyway back to the story).

At first Patty thought that she was just going to ask for food, but as she approached, she got a wicked light in her eyes, and reached out to grad Ella. All at once, she was pulling on Ella arm, trying to take her away from Patty. Patty told her to stop, but the woman was not listening. Just then the truck driver drove off, and all the ladies near the shops began to scream and yell. They were all to afraid to help. Patty tried to hit the woman, but she just keep pulling Ella's arm harder. Her was Patty in a tug-o-war with a crazy woman and Ella was in the middle. Patty and Ella were trying to pull away, but the crazy lady was using all her strength! Patty just kept on hitting her and trying to get away.

Suddenly as everyone was screaming and Patty was about to loose hold of Ella, a man came running up. He was dressed in business clothes and carry a leather messenger bag. Well, like David with his sling, he started running and wound up that bag and let it fly. He hit the crazy lady right up side the head and sent her flying.

The man told Patty and Ella to run. At this time all the ladies came over to comfort and she is Ella was hurt. Just then the crazy lady came back. Like a Yankee batting star he line-drived her in the shoulder and knocked her down. The man had to hit her about three times, and finally had to use a stick to chase her off into a distance gutter.

After a few minutes and a few tears, everyone was better. Patty thanked the man and headed off to the hospital. Luckily the crazy lady is gone, and no one is worse for the wear. Patty has had a few interesting experiences over the years with crazy people. But each time we are reminded and thankful for the chance to live in a country were people still help each other and are not afraid to act.

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