
Monday, June 28, 2010

The American Spirit

Some people have asked me, which team I was rooting for this week. Ghana played United States in the round 16 level of the world cup. Some Ghanaian thought I would root for America, and some missionaries were made that I did not!

But I think it is all a matter of the American Spirit. Sure if the U.S. was playing any other team, I would be wearing my Red, White, and Blue, they are my home country, but not this game. Some people are shocked when I tell them. But, I think that I have found a way to explain my treasonous behavior to those other missionaries that are slightly offended by cheering for the 'other side'.

See, one of the truest and most deeply rooted believes or habits, what ever we call it in America, is that we cheer for the under dog. We all want to little guy to win, the under achiever. We love the stories about the guy that comes out of no were and wins it all. Well, that is Ghana's story. It is a small African nation, with only 20 million people. It was facing a Goliath nation of 400 million and millions more in funding for a sport that most of its people do not even like.

So I cheered for Ghana! In this case it was the truly American thing to do. And I might add, David defeated Goliath two goals to one! (It is funny how we like under dogs until we are the big dog).

Weather the reader was cheering for the US, Ghana, or did not even know about the match like most people in the 50 states, it was fun. And this missionary had fun watching a game in which no matter the out come, he could not lose.

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