
Monday, May 4, 2009

From the Mouth of Babes...

It is amazing at times to watch young Christians grow. Many times when a missionary is teaching and training young Christians he can be amazed at their maturity. Wednesday of this last week Andrew and I went to Dora's house for a study about baptism. (Dora is a new convert that Patty has led to Christ). She is from the north of Ghana, and was raised in a Traditional home. The first eighteen years of her life, before she moved to Kumasi, she had never attended church.

After arriving in Kumasi, she decided that she wanted to learn more about Christianity and stop following her traditional beliefs. After attending many churches, and the Lord allowing us to meet her, she was led to faith in Christ. This brings us to our Bible study with her on Wednesday of last week. Dora lives very close to a Catholic school, and the school was having a drumming program that day. The drums where very loud, even from a long distance away. Before we started the Bible study, I made mention of the drums, and asked Dora if that was the same music style and rhythm that they played when she was growing up. She told me that the drum beats where the same, and that was how people worshipped the gods back at her home village.

After she made this point, she asked me an interesting question. She said, "Pastor when I first came to Kumasi, I attended many different churches, and I have a question, many of them when they play their instruments, play the same music that they played in my village to the false gods, why are people playing the music of traditional religion in the churches?

I will be honest, I was amazed at her understanding! Most people here have swallowed the line that all music is good, no matter it's form, as long as it talks about God. It was very encouraging to hear a baby Christian with clear understanding in this area.

Sometimes we are blinded by our own opinions, but many time when a person is converted from other religions, they have eyes that see the truth quite clearly.

Please pray for the people here in Ghana. It is quite common in almost all churches here to see people that call themselves Christians but have churches filled with Traditional Religious practices, and beliefs. Please pray that God will raise up a generation of Ghanaian Christians that know the truth and have been set totally free.

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