
Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Baptisms

On the 4th of April, Easter Sunday, our Bible study had the privilege of baptizing five more converts. It took a little effort this year to get everything and everybody ready for the event, but it was worth it.

The Bible study has baptisms every three months. This allows our converts to pass through a five to six week baptism class before they are baptized. This group of baptism happened to fall on Easter Sunday. Not only was it during our Easter time, it also happened to be during the peek of our dry season. Last year the Lord provided a heavy rain the night before, so the river was very full. But despite a rain two nights before the river was very low. (Some Chinese road construction companies have been pumping the water off the river, so the water level is much lower than it has ever been before).

Since the river was low, Andrew and I decided that maybe we should dig out an area for the people to be baptized in. (see top picture) But after about ten minutes of trying to dig through rock and sediment, we decided that we just need to find another spot on the river. So, the search began down river. Most times when there are baptisms, it is nice to be located close to the road. This allows the people the opportunity to watch without walking far. But this time that was not an option.
Andrew and I decided to pass underneath the road culvert and head up river. (Top picture- Andrew and Fred are trying to clear a path through the tall grass with machetes). After some time it was decided that the baptisms would be held up river near the water pumps that the Chinese were using. They had made a larger pool around the equipment and the metal pulls to hold all the water pumps would provide a good way for people to get into the river.
(Matilda about to be baptized)

Easter Sunday came, our five converts were ready. After about a five minute drive up the dirt road to the river everything was set. It was such a blessing to get to see these five people baptized. Two northerners Kasin-Nankana (Matilda ad Peter), one Wala (Mary), one Ewe (Mensah), one Nzema (Vironica) where all baptized.

Peter being baptized (Top)

Mary getting baptized.

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