
Tuesday, December 15, 2009


On the 6th of December the Bible Study had its fourth baptism. There were three adult men that where baptized. The first was a man named Dennis. He has been attending meeting off and on for almost two years. In the last year he has become very faithful and attends almost every Sunday morning. About ten months ago he came to the realization that his old church was not teaching correct doctrine. After finishing his "Way of Peace' Bible study he accepted Christ. Then quickly told us that he wanted to be baptized. Pray for him to grow in Christ, and find a good wife to marry.

The second to baptized was Bismark. Bismark attends meetings with his wife and son. They are very faithful. Bismark was raised Catholic, but after arriving in Kumasi he quite attending. After Dora invited his wife, they began to attending services. After God worked greatly in his life, including healing his son that was at deaths door, Bismark became very serious about the things of God. After finishing our "Way of Peace" Bible Study, he trusted Christ. He made a hard decision to be baptized, since the Catholic churches here are very rich, but he did not flinch when he felt it was God's will. Please pray for his wife. She attends, and my wife is studying with her. Please pray that her religious background will not harden her to the gospel.

The last to be baptized was Nat. He is a young community college man, that chose to join our church. He has attended a church called, "Deeper Life", which is a form of old holiness church. After many months of talking with Nat, Pastor Andrew felt that he was truly saved, but had not been baptized. Nat has been born again for about five years. He knew he should be baptized, but had not official joined the Deeper Church. Please pray for his growth and victory over sins in his life. He is desirous to grow, but has confessed to some besetting sins.

Also pray for the new groups of believers that will start baptismal class in the new year. Pray that some that have finished classes already will make the decision to join our group.
Patty visitation partner, Gifty, has traveled. Currently she is seeking a replacement. We are praying that maybe Dora, the lady pictured, or another lady from the studies will join my wife to spread the good news.

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