
Saturday, September 12, 2009

What if you had Leukemia?

Death... what would I do if I only had two more years to live? What if instead of living live not knowing when I would die, I was told that I was sure to die in 12 months or 2 years? What would I do? What would I change? Or more importantly how would I live?

The reader might ask: "Why the morbid questions?" No, I have not been told that I have leukemia! (Though I do know a young guy from college that does have leukemia). Last night my wife and I watched a movie together. We try to have a night once our twice a month to just spend time together. Last night we choice to watch a movie.

It was one of those movies, that a person feels glad they watched after it was done. When they are glad that they didn't waste an hour of their existence on earth. The movie made me think, and really made Patty cry. (Yah, it was one of those chick flicks, with a really heart wrenching story line, and sad ending). But, it was a movie that made us sit back and reflect.

The basic story line was about a girl that has leukemia (but that is a surprise twist in the movie, so I will not tell the reader the name. That way if they watch the movie the plot line will not be spoiled. But I will give this hint: we watched the Family Edited Version, which has no language). Here was a girl living her life, knowing she was going to die, and no one else knew. The whole movie gives the viewer little hints, but most people won't catch them. After drying the eyes, we both sat back and thought for a while.

"What if that was me?"

I am not very old, but death does seem to become more real as the years pass. God has a way of reminding a person. It has never hurt me to remember that I am mortal.

God used death to change me in college, when a girl I knew died in a car accident. Since then I have had more reminders. Two years ago while on furlough, it all hit me again. "John, if Jesus does not come, you will die someday!" I have seen the passing of my high school friend, Larry Conrady. The passing of High School heroes, church members, and even the death of my most of my grandparents.

Then this morning at 6:00pm, I was given another reminder. Fred a young man from our Bible studies called me. His sister had just died, she was very sick from a long term disease. He had gotten the chance to give her the gospel, and and seemed to understand. But he called to tell me she had died.

I know that this seems morbid. It is interesting that even though we as Christians think that death is just a closing of the eyes on earth and an opening of them in heaven, we still do not like to talk about it. I wonder why? I think its because though we are saved, we might not live like it!

Here's the whole point of this rambling. Reader, ask yourself this question: "If you only had two years to live, what would you do?"

I thought about this yesterday. Well, I would not change my course. No running off to places around the world, or buying some expensive car. I am happy with what God has given me and called me to do. I don't need a location or course change. But, what about what I do.

What about all the other things that I do on the journey. What books would I want to read? What things would I want to do? How would I start looking at my children, friends, and work? What would holidays and birthday be like?

Would I stair at a screen all day, and flip through the channels because nothing is on, or would I experience the life that God has given me to live? Would I relish the taste of cranberries and turkey at thanksgiving, and enjoy the wrapping paper and busy stores at Christmas? Would I teach that Sunday school class with my whole heart, or try to reach that bus kid?????

How would life be if you only had two years to live?

We all forget that life is short. But there is one thing of many things that I love about being a missionary, and that is that a missionary learns that life is short! When life gets cut up into four year chunks, and a person is transplanted from place to place, it helps them to put it all in focus. He realizes that he might not see that family member again, or get to see snow for a while. So if he is smart he makes a choice to live?

Yes, that is what I want to do each day. Not, change the course of my life, because if I am follow God's will, then I am going the right direction. But if I was to have Leukemia, I would want to really LIVE! Take the gift that is called life, and enjoy every minute of it!

(Note- all the pictures in this blog are taken from a Baptist photographer's website- each is from Ghana- if the reader likes the photos, they can be purchased from his site at http://gallery.williamhaun.com/main.php)

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