
Monday, August 3, 2009

Our Visitor at Church

Well, we have experienced another first as missionaries. Sunday morning, we had a great time at the Bible studies. Almost all our people attending, and there was a great spirit in the meetings. We also had the blessing one of our taxi drivers attending. He drivers for us each Monday when we go to town. Mr. Owusu-Bempa is a retired forestry officers, that has bought a car to use for money for retirement. He has become good friends with our family, and it was a great blessing to see him come to the studies.

But, in the midst of all this blessing, we where able to notch another experience off on our missionary belt. Right in the middle of our first hour Bible study a dog watch in the school room. At first it just sat under a desk, but then after about 2 minutes it started to bark. When one of our young men tried to shoo the dog out, it reed back, started barking, and acting very strange for a dog here. Everything stopped, and everyone started running away form the dog, because they understand that it had 'poison', that is the local way they call rabies here.

I figured it would be better for me to get bite as apposed to others in the Bible study. A couple men, keep trying to pull its tail to get it to go out, and I was afraid they would get bite. Most would wait to go to the doctor if they had been bitten, and have little money to pay for doctor's bills. So we got one of the really big rocks that we use to keep the school doors open, and chucked it at the dog. That did the trick! Being crazy, he did not know where it was coming from, and ran away.

Patty told me that it tried to get into their Sunday school room, but she locked the doors. Finally the other 'church' that meets on our school block had the joy of it visiting them also. The pastor had to chase it off with a stick. So in the middle of our really good Sunday, we had a lot of excitement.

As my uncle Mark Sommer jokingly reminded me, if we had remembered Philippians 3:2 "Beware of dogs..." maybe we would have been more prepared. So if the future I might need to remind our prayer partners to remember pray that we have no rabid dogs visit our Bible Studies in the future.

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