
Monday, February 23, 2009

The Long Way Around!

As missionaries, we always appreciate mail. We are very blessed that we have family and friends that send us mail on a regular basis. One amazing thing about Ghana is that our post office is more effective than the United States post office.

But, we do still have problems receiving our mail at times. We have come to learn, though, that most of our mail delivery problems are caused by ignorance. For example, in my small home town of Northern Michigan, the post master has sent my sister's packages to Guyana, South America, instead of Ghana, West Africa. He would label it with the computer, not knowing that these two places are very different indeed. Once a letter is sent to it new location, it disappears to the unknown world of lost mail. We even had a letter marked Ghana, South Africa, that made it to us.

Yesterday, I went to my post office box to check mail. When I checked my box I found a surprise. The mail men in the States had done it again. Here was a letter sent from Saginaw, Michigan, on the 3rd January, that instead of being sent straight to Ghana, it had been misdirected and was sent to... wait for it... Thailand! Yes, that is right, Thailand, southern Asia. Lucky for us, a nice postal worker over there in Bangkok, knew that Ghana was in Africa, and sent it to us.

So I believe that we have now made a record. I think that this letter has traveled farther than any other letter to arrive at its destination. We want to thank the people in Thailand for the forwarded letter, and we want to thank our friend in Saginaw that sent us the letter and pictures.

I have attached a picture of the letter so that you can see.

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