
Thursday, January 27, 2011


Our family is returning to the United States soon for furlough, and therefore I will be taking a sabbatical from blogging on this blog for a year. I have a private blog that I will be recording the experience of return culture shock, and hope in time to share some of these thoughts with the readers.

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Year's Service

New Year's is always a big time here in Ghana. Many people come to church that would never come to church any other time. It is a great time to invite people to church. Also it is a good time for people to see the difference between religion and faith. Each year there are many new visitor. Here are a few pictures from our activities.

Patty and I before service

Relay races

Giving instructions during games. This is Richard one of our converts and a man that helps at our services.

Broom Ball Relay

Up and Down- a team game

Preaching service, the rechargeable light went out early, but thanks to Veronica we had a small light to finish with.

The nursery

Camp fire and testimony and decision time.

Christmas Activities

Christmas was a great time. It was full of activities. We had many of our annual favorites. Such as the building of the Christmas Hut, the Cotton/Cardboard Snowman, and many many treats and goodies. Finally after many laughs and many pounds, Christmas came. Everyone had a great time, and it was nice to see everyone so excited over their presents. The girls we very excited about getting the chance to save money and buy each other and their parents presents this year. Also I was soundly beaten by my wife this year, she is currently the reigning gift buying champion. She got great gifts, and spoiled my rotten. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Christmas Party- 26th od December

Christmas was a busy time this last year. Not quite as busy as this new year is proving to be, but a great time. Here are a few pictures from our Boxing Day Party. The 26th of December this year was on a Sunday, so the people of the Bible decided to have our parties all together. The group took offering money and bought small amounts of food for everyone, and then each family group made their favorite foods at home and brought them. It was a great time of fellowship, fun, and food.

After eating we had games and lots of laughs. Sorry for the quality of these pictures, I have not had time to edit them, and I did not take most of these pictures.

A picture of Bismark and Matilda dedicating their new born to the Lord on the 26th.